You must Imagine to understand the REALITY

Did you read a book recently, a book that overwhelmed you?
Have you ever thought how a writer writes?
Have you ever tried to imagine what a writer thinks when he writes?
He has to put the shoes of the character he is writing about.

He sees the world through the eyes of that character.
He sometimes takes himself literally to the condition of the character.
He sometimes lives the life of the character himself.
He sometimes visits the condition of the environment of the time and place of the character lives in.
He sometimes vigorously studies the history, facts etc of the environment of the character.
He sometimes spends a long period of the time to research the fact to write in.

All these he does to get to the reality of that fictitious character so that he can involve and attach his reader to the character. And then as for the reader, the one who has more imagination can attach to the character more than the one does not have the kind of imagination.

So it’s all about the imagination that takes people close to things. And then this is just about a fictitious character, or fictitious story. And then what about the fact and reality that you live in? How much imagination do you need to understand and get attached to that reality? In fact, you don’t need to imagine as it is a reality. Then how come you don’t understand the reality? Because you consciously try to not to think about the reality.

For example, death. It’s a reality. It happens around you every single day! Still, how many of you THINK about your own death for a moment every day? Even you try to discuss about death with somebody, he refuses to discuss it.
Let me give you another example of reality and you will find even not one person out of 100 you talk to, thinks about this reality. The earth we live in, in real term, it is a huge ball of land and water that spins and runs in the empty space. It’s like a football shot in the air. Imagine there are ants on the football and you see those ants are making a huge castle to live in while they know that the castle will be demolished by the next person who will hit the ball. Would you not feel pity for the poor ants for wasting their time making the castle which even they themselves won’t get time to live in? Rather should not they concentrate a possible way out while they don’t know their life or life around them?
Then what are you? Aren’t you the same? Isn’t this is the reality? How do you get to understand and live with this reality? Only by extending your thoughts and imagination. That’s, in fact, the best aspect of you, best of a human being. That’s what makes a human being the best creature. Imagination and power of thinking. Other than this faculty a human is like any other animal who lives by its physiological necessity.

An animal or insect does things only out of its physiological necessity. It has a stomach, so it collects food. It has a reproductive organ, so it finds a mate and reproduces. It needs shelter from rain and sun, so it builds its nest. It needs protection from others, so it builds a security system like staying together in the community, helping each other and collecting food together, working together, fight together for one cause.

Do you see most of the human just living in these patterns? (I just intentionally do not use the phrase, ‘living like animal and insect’, out of respect to my fellow human being) Those human being just eat, work, sleep, entertain, reproduce, help others and the cycle goes on while they don’t realize when they got old and get close to death.

So, how do humans differ from those animals and insects?
By ‘Humanity’? Like what they taught you? That’s a clear falsehood. You know it, animals are more humane than human themselves! In fact, the word ‘Humanity’, what you understood by it, as they taught you, should be replaced with the word ‘Animality’ because that’s what (humanity) is clearly possessed by animals. But that’s for another day.
For now, know the truth, it is only by the organs called the brain and heart and the associated organs that clearly differentiate humans from animals and insects.  Then what’s the function of the brain? To think and to imagine! So, if you are not thinking and cannot imagine then what do you think is the difference between you and an animal or insect?

In fact, that is why our creator has put so much importance on this faculty. How many times he is asking to the human being, “Do you not think?” He even warns the one who believes in HIM, “the one who does not think is WORST than the cattle” So, you can logically understand how important it is for us to THINK and IMAGINE. Therefore, you must THINK and IMAGINE to understand reality.

But yes, there are many people out there who imagine many things and create things every day and innovate fantasy every day.
But what about the imagination of reality?
What is the imagination that you need to have to understand the most important reality of your life?
And then how do you know what’s the most important reality of your life?
It is death!
Your death!